Biophonic Beats
Biophonic Beats is a structured improvisation for benjolin synthesizer and trombone.
Sunday, July 3, 2016:
— 2pm — Melissa Grey & David Morneau play benjolin and trombone together for the first time
Tuesday, December 19, 2017:
— 2:30pm — First rehearsal for Biophonic Beats
Friday, May 11, 2018:
— 11:00am — Melissa & David meet with Cristina Müller & Yuri Tavares to finalize plans for Ao Vivo no Casarão video shoot
Monday, June 25, 2018:
— 5:45am — Melissa & David wake up and meditate on the day ahead over coffee
— 6:15am — a vegetable drink (kale, celery, apple) is prepared
— 6:30am — Melissa & David prepare for a day of performance
— 8:30am — coffee is prepared and a light breakfast buffet is laid out for the crew
— 9:00am — Cristina, Yuri, and the Lado B crew arrive at Flower Cat HQ to set up
— 9:23am — Melissa photographs costume rack in the morning light
— 9:30am — Melissa & David go into wardrobe
— 10:00am —Melissa & David warmup while Cristina oversees final setup of cameras and lights
— 10:30am — Melissa & David perform first take of Biophonic Beats
— 11:15am — Melissa & David perform second take of Biophonic Beats (unreleased)
— 12:00pm — Documentary shoot continues until 10:00pm with interview and performances of I offer you and Quiet, friends
Monday, October 22, 2018:
— Ao Vivo no Casarão | Lado B releases Biophonic Beats video
Thursday, July 15, 2021:
— Melissa & David release remastered recording of Biophonic Beats
Biophonic Beats was recorded live on June 25, 2018, at Flower Cat HQ in New York City
Music composition: Melissa Grey & David Morneau
benjolin: Melissa Grey
trombone: David Morneau
Sound recording : David Morneau, Michael Campos, and Miguel Tang
2018 Mixing: Melissa Grey, David Morneau, and Miguel Tang
2021 Mixing: Melissa Grey & David Morneau
2021 Mastering: Melissa Grey & David Morneau
cover art based on photo by Yuri Pires Tavares
Originally recorded for Ao Vivo no Casarão | Lado B
‘We are a channel that shows independent musicians performing live in unexpected places’
Conception: Cristina Müller, Giuliano Rossi and Yuri Tavares
Direction and Production: Cristina Müller and Yuri Tavares
performance photos by Yuri Pires Tavares
background photo by Melissa Grey