Biophonic Beats


Biophonic Beats

Available for purchase here

Biophonic Beats is a structured improvisation for benjolin synthesizer and trombone.

Sunday, July 3, 2016:
— 2pm — Melissa Grey & David Morneau play benjolin and trombone together for the first time

Tuesday, December 19, 2017:
— 2:30pm — First rehearsal for Biophonic Beats

Friday, May 11, 2018:
— 11:00am — Melissa & David meet with Cristina Müller & Yuri Tavares to finalize plans for Ao Vivo no Casarão video shoot

Monday, June 25, 2018:
— 5:45am — Melissa & David wake up and meditate on the day ahead over coffee
— 6:15am — a vegetable drink (kale, celery, apple) is prepared
— 6:30am — Melissa & David prepare for a day of performance
— 8:30am — coffee is prepared and a light breakfast buffet is laid out for the crew
— 9:00am — Cristina, Yuri, and the Lado B crew arrive at Flower Cat HQ to set up
— 9:23am — Melissa photographs costume rack in the morning light 
— 9:30am — Melissa & David go into wardrobe 
— 10:00am —Melissa & David warmup while Cristina oversees final setup of cameras and lights
— 10:30am — Melissa & David perform first take of Biophonic Beats
— 11:15am — Melissa & David perform second take of Biophonic Beats (unreleased)
— 12:00pm — Documentary shoot continues until 10:00pm with interview and performances of I offer you and Quiet, friends

Monday, October 22, 2018:
Ao Vivo no Casarão | Lado B releases Biophonic Beats video

Thursday, July 15, 2021:
— Melissa & David release remastered recording of Biophonic Beats

Biophonic Beats was recorded live on June 25, 2018, at Flower Cat HQ in New York City

Music composition: Melissa Grey & David Morneau

benjolin: Melissa Grey
trombone: David Morneau

Sound recording : David Morneau, Michael Campos, and Miguel Tang
2018 Mixing: Melissa Grey, David Morneau, and Miguel Tang
2021 Mixing: Melissa Grey & David Morneau
2021 Mastering: Melissa Grey & David Morneau

cover art based on photo by Yuri Pires Tavares

Originally recorded for Ao Vivo no Casarão | Lado B
‘We are a channel that shows independent musicians performing live in unexpected places’

Conception: Cristina Müller, Giuliano Rossi and Yuri Tavares
Direction and Production: Cristina Müller and Yuri Tavares

Melissa Grey & David Morneau perform Biophonic Beats
David Morneau performs Biophonic Beats
Melissa Grey performs Biophonic Beats
David Morneau performs Biophonic Beats
Melissa Grey performs Biophonic Beats

performance photos by Yuri Pires Tavares
background photo by Melissa Grey